The initial consultation involves a comprehensive health assessment to understand your current health status, lifestyle approaches, and wellness goals, which helps us tailor a personalized health plan for you.

Wholistic For You is a Wellness Hub that offers personalized, holistic health services designed to help individuals reverse lifestyle caused health conditions and embrace ultimate wholistic pillars of life to achieve optimal health and well-being. 

Anyone looking to improve their health biomarkers, address lifestyle diseases, or adopt a holistic approach to age gracefully and disease-free can benefit from our programs.

Our approach is deeply personalized, combining the latest in health technology and growth environment with holistic practices to address the root causes of health issues, ensuring sustainable and long-lasting results.

Wholistic Hands is a One to One Coaching and Healing Challenge with goal to reverse lifestyle and dietary caused illness. We use health and wellness approach that considers the whole person—mind, body, soul, and emotions—in the quest for optimal well-being. Instead of focusing solely on symptoms or specific ailments, Wholistic Hands aims to address the root causes of imbalances and promote harmony across all aspects of a person's wellness.

We will emphasize on the use of natural life energy food, detox channel cleansing and lifestyle practices to support the body's innate ability to heal itself. 

I will provide One to One support during this journey to reverse current health conditions by awakening our body's own "Healing Self"

Book 1 to 1 Discovery Call

The Wholistic Circle Program is a 6-month holistic wellness journey focusing on six essential pillars of health: 

  • Plant-Based Whole Food (PBWF) Nutrition and Fasting Pratices
  • Physical activity and Sports 
  • Sleep, Recovery and Relaxation
  • Meaningful Relationships
  • Purpose-driven Work
  • Spiritual practices to align with source of creation

Focus on:

  • We work together to ensure steady growth and resilience against life and lifestyle challenges.
  • We concentrate on each pillar to renew your vitality and extends your longevity through this partnership.
  • This lifestyle practices acts as a guardian angel for your body, protecting you from illnesses and guiding you towards graceful aging.
  • Each pillars works to harmonizing your body and mind, creating a beautiful melody of health and well-being.
  • Plant based whole food lifestyle offering a bounty of natural life energy food that heal and fortify your body without any side effects.
  • Imagine your body as a high-performance engine, and PBWF in this coaching program as the premium fuel that keeps it running smoothly and efficiently.
  • A plant-based whole food and wholistic lifestyle pillars in this journey is like a flowing river, constantly rejuvenating your body and mind with fresh, life-sustaining healing energy.

According to the World Health Organization, aging is the number one risk factor for almost all chronic diseases. We use epigenetics to quantify the extend of multi Omic aging within your patients, to help you tailor treatment, and gauge the success of recently prescribed regiments.

The Nutrigen Test is a Nutrigenomic test that helps you understand how your body responds to different nutrients macro's and micro's allowing for personalized nutrition recommendations.


Sample Report

The Function Health Panel includes comprehensive health tests that monitor key biomarkers, such as blood sugar, cholesterol, and vitamin levels, to ensure your body is functioning optimally.

Let Us Guide You!

We're excited to hear from you! Drop us a message below, and let's start a conversation. Whether you have questions about our products, need personalized recommendations, or just want to share some feedback, we're here for you. Your thoughts matter to us, and we can't wait to connect with you!.

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